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Speaking Engagements
Speaking topics currently include:
Colleges and Universities
Alcohol Abuse and Suicidal Behavior in College: Keeping Your Sisters Safe
Compassionate Friendship
Caring for Your Sisters: Leadership, Listening, and Suicide Prevention
Kick it to the Curb: Ending the Stigmas Around Mental Health in Your Organization
Parenting Generation Z: A College Chaplain's Perspective
Preventing Transgender College Student Suicide
Churches and Campus Ministries
Confidence, Jesus, and You
Don't Sweep Mental Health Under the Rug
Intro to Campus Ministry
Leadership, Social Justice, and the Gospel
My Child/Grandchild has come out. Now what?
Suicide and the Church
The Chaplain's Role in Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
The Chaplain's Role in Preventing Transgender College Student Suicide
Training Courses
Bystander Intervention Training
Meeting Effectiveness Training
Mission/Vision/Values Workshop
Suicide Prevention Training (QPR)
Sexual Assault Prevention Training
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